North Turramurra

North Turramurra, New South Wales, 2074

  ranked 163 in all 604 suburbs of Sydney
Aggregate Data of North Turramurra
Postal code: 2074 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
South Turramurra
Overall rating: 8.9, ranked 163 in all 604 suburbs of Sydney
Population: 3971, ranked 329 in all 604 suburbs of Sydney
Measurement: 11.6144 km2 , ranked 76 in all 604 suburbs of Sydney
Population density: 341.9 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 19.1 km
Average level of education: 11.42 years , ranked 132 in all 604 suburbs of Sydney
Median yearly personal income: 36920 AUD , ranked 231 in all 604 suburbs of Sydney
Median weekly personal income: 710 AUD , ranked 231 in all 604 suburbs of Sydney
Median weekly family income: 2179 AUD , ranked 187 in all 604 suburbs of Sydney
Median weekly household income: 1632 AUD , ranked 267 in all 604 suburbs of Sydney
North Turramurra suburbs nearby
St Ives Chase 2075
North Wahroonga 2076
St Ives 2075
Cowan 2081
Wahroonga 2076
Warrawee 2074
Turramurra 2074
Waitara 2077
Asquith 2077
Updated: 2019-05-16 05:40:50